Dartmouth Crusaders Swim Club builds a better person through the sport of swimming

Every action we take, every instruction we give, every goal we set and every result we desire starts from a decision about WHY we do it.

Globally we are part of the Olympic movement, and are therefore part of the Olympic vision. ‘We build a better world through sport’ being the core belief of Olympism.” Therefore the vision of the Dartmouth Crusaders Swim Club is that ‘ we build a better person through the sport of swimming.’


Discover potential, experience the joy found in effort, and reach excellence.


The mission of the Dartmouth Crusaders Swim Club is to provide experiences in competitive swimming that inspire our athletes to achieve their greatness.


Our enduring beliefs that are not to be compromised for short term reward or expediency; held at the level of Principle not preference.

  • Respect: By this we mean valuing behaviours that: create an environment that is free from bullying, abuse or harassment; nurture a sense of belonging;  and express support, empathy, and caring for others.
  • Leadership: By this we mean the shared responsibility of all members to create the experiences that build confidence through challenge; that value  commitment, dedication, and perseverance;  and that value personal contribution to legacy and building the team for the future.
  • Volunteerism: By this we mean encouraging and supporting swimmers and parents to be active Club volunteers through training, mentoring and meaningful volunteer activities within the Club and in the community.
  • Pride: By this we mean instilling a sense of self worth and of the worth of each members’ contribution toward  the team as a whole; taking pride in the place of the individual in the team, and of the team in the swimming community.
  • Excellence: By this we mean world class performance can come from anywhere. We believe the foundation can be started and essential experience built with the Crusaders.