Maine Tour Team Sign Up Reminder

January 18, 2024

Maine Tour Team Sign Up Reminder:

There is still time to consider signing up for the NS Maine Tour Team. It is a fantastic opportunity to experience team travel and racing outside of the province. 

Here is all the information from Swim NS:

Please find attached in the following URL the information related to the Maine Swimming Tour that Swim Nova Scotia is offering March 14-18, 2024. URL

I would ask that you please review the attached Swimmer Letter/Application form and share it with eligible members on your team; I have also prepared a Helpful Information document.

Note that the meet information is not available yet, but a draft of the qualifying times is attached.  

Deposits and signed applications are due to Swim NS by February 2nd, 2024 with a copy of a valid passport. This opportunity is open to all 11-14-year-old registered year-round swimmers in the Province that meet the qualifying standards.  

If there are any swimmers that are close to the qualifying time, please ask them to submit their application and if they don’t qualify, they can withdraw by the final deadline of February 26th.

We are capping it to 50 swimmers this season, we will start a waiting list and notify swimmers if they move on.  Although the deadline is February 2nd, it will be first come. I will keep you all posted with numbers as I start receiving applications.

 If you have any questions about this event, let me know – hopefully everything is covered in the Helpful Information document.