Inclement Weather Update
With the shift in our weather forecast and more snow on in the future here are a few things to keep in mind moving forward:
Inclement weather policy: practices will remain running as facilities stay open. Practice cancellations will be communicated club wide via email and be posted to our social media as we are made aware of facility closures. If you feel unsafe making the drive to practice, we encourage you to stay home.
Dress appropriately: with the drop in temperature and increased snow, ensure that you are dressing warmly. This includes wearing winter jackets, warm pants, and proper footwear into the facilities. Any footwear that swimmers decide to wear outside cannot be worn on the pool deck. We do not want to track snow, mud, and salt onto the deck.
Parking: a reminder that you cannot park or wait in the fire lanes or accessible parking outside of the facilities. Specifically at Centennial pool, doing so blocks community member access.