Fundraising Oct 5, 2023: Downtown Dartmouth $1,000 Gift Card Basket Raffle, Rafflebox

October 4, 2023

Downtown Dartmouth $1,000 Gift Card Basket Raffle!

Gold squad mom, Poet MacLean, has kindly gathered 10 generous donations of $100 gift cards from various businesses in downtown Dartmouth (listed & pictured here).

Ticket Prices: $3 for 1 / $5 for 2 / $10 for 5

Draw: Saturday, December 2nd at 9:00am at the Sportsplex.

***75% of sales will be credited to the seller’s MFC and 25% will go directly to DCSC***

If you want to get in on this great fundraising opportunity, tickets can be picked up at the Welcome Breakfast this Saturday morning or by contacting Patti at

As we want this fundraiser to be open to as many families as possible, an initial maximum of 80 tickets per family will be distributed. If you sell all of your tickets, you can request up to 80 more (if available) once you return the sold tickets to Patti and e-transfer the funds raised to (make sure “gift card fundraiser” and swimmer’s name are included in the notes for the transfer).


Every month you can support DCSC by purchasing 50/50 tickets on Rafflebox. Our team’s unique link is:

Please note: Rafflebox fundraiser does NOT go towards MFCs.

Thanks for your support!