Fundraising News for November 16, 2023

November 16, 2023

We have several fundraising opportunities underway right now. Here is a quick list, with more detailed links for your reference:

Christmas Wreaths:

We are selling beautiful wreaths for the Christmas season. If you would like to participate in this fundraiser, you will earn $5.00 per wreath sold toward your MFC. Please find more information here.
Last orders will be taken December 1, 2023.


Our fall Citrus fundraiser continues. You will earn $10 from each full case sold ($5.00/half case) toward your MFC.
Orders are due by November 20th.
Additional information and order form can be found here.


Downtown Dartmouth Gift Card Raffle:

Tickets are still available on our Downtown Dartmouth Gift Card bundle (listed & pictured here) - contact Patti at

Draw: Saturday, December 2nd.

Remember to e-transfer all funds raised to and drop off the tickets you have sold at the Sportsplex on:
Wednesday, November 29th or Friday, December 1st (between 6 and 7pm).

I will also be at the age group meet this weekend at Acadia if you would like to arrange a time to give me your tickets then.



Every month you can support DCSC by purchasing 50/50 tickets on Rafflebox. Our team’s unique link is:

Please note: Rafflebox fundraiser does NOT go towards MFCs.

Thanks for your support!
Patti Trenholm, Chair of Fundraising DCSC,