A Word From Our Coaches - February 08, 2024

February 8, 2024


Fundamentals training groups have been finding our rhythm again after the Holiday Break by reviewing land etiquette and reading the pace clock. We have been practicing breaststroke pullouts off all our walls and legal dolphin kick for a full 50 of fly. Fundamentals swimmers have dedicated lots of time to our dives and back-starts, trying to maximize our distance in the air. We had many move ups at the meet this month, with all swimmers improved times and technical focuses set out by the coaches! Awesome job to all!
Our Standout Swimmers are Eszter B. and Lorena A., both have achieved great technical improvements in their breaststroke, dedicated to having flexed feet on the kick and a legal pull. They demonstrate a positive effort in activation before practice and helping their lane mates with pace times!!
Swimmers who have graduated Participation and are moving to Level 1 are Demerise Dauphinee,  Samuel Franks, Duncan Cleversey, Lucien Murgier, Rowan Fletcher, and Eszter Botos.
Swimmers who have graduated Level 1 and are moving to Level 2 are Lorena Almeida, and Sunwoo Lim.
~Coaches Karley and Christina


Blue has been doing a wonderful job hopping into some higher intensity training since the holiday break! We have spent lots of time on IM skills as we had both a NovaTech meet and AA meet this month. The swimmers have all stepped up to the challenge and it showed in their racing!
The Standout Swimmers this month are Clara and Olivia C. for their awesome contributions to our workouts. Clara helped make sure the whole group understood warm up when I needed to step away for a moment, and Olivia has been asking great questions which help make sure everyone understands the set!
I would like to congratulate Lilah for graduating Level 1 and moving to Level 2 competition at NovaTech meets, as well as Ava, Jacob, and Nia who graduated Level 2 and are moving onto Age Group competitions!
~Coach Victoria                             


Gold has upped the intensity again as we build into the next part of the season. Gold swimmers are building their understanding of pace alongside endurance and using information from our swim meet results and timed 1000 to get the feel for longer distance events. Gold swimmers are looking strong in the water, having fun challenging their energy systems, and are always ready to work in speed!
This month we would like to recognize Egor T as our Standout Swimmer, as he recently joined the Gold group. Egor took on some big practices during his first few weeks in Gold, including our timed 1000 free practice. Egor is willing to take on new challenges and do them well, he is motivated to learn and has brought a good attitude to each practice. Keep up the great work Egor!!
We would like to recognize Bryce H who achieved his AAA time for 200 backstroke, and Lily Z who got more AAA times in Long Course for 400 free and 200 Back. Congratulations to Ainsley MacPherson for breaking the 10 and Under LCM 50 Fly with a 35.38, the record was previously held by Grace Zhou set in 2023 305.56. A handful of other Gold swimmers are getting very close to their AAA time standards which is exciting to see! 
~Coaches Lelia and Lauren



Junior squad continues to prepare well, stepping up their training demand throughout the month of January.  They did a repeat of their 20x100 free best average set with near 100% improving their average time.  The investment on the best average training that followed was a reward of multiple personal best times in the distance events in January AA and AAA meets. 
In addition to the personal improvements, Jane Morash completed her qualification for the March East Coast Champs and will compete with the Crusaders squad.  Brody MacPherson set a Club record in the 13-14 boys 50 breaststroke LCM with a 33.67, breaking the record set in 2011 by Sean Berrigan of 33.87.
~Coach Michelle



Senior has seen an uptick in their training intensity with January having some of our toughest weekly training cycles so far this season. The group handled the training wonderfully and really stepped up during our Saturday best average sets. With the previous and upcoming competitions, the group has seen a shift into some meet preparation. Tuesdays have become a group favourite training night with the practice consisting of fast off the blocks efforts. Through this training I have seen some fantastic determination from the entire group with standout swimmers being Emma Mullet, Idan Arie, Leon Bautista, Alex-Jonsen Humble, and Olivia Jodrey. These athletes have been rising to the challenge with every workout.
In addition to the personal improvements in training and PB’s set at the last AA and AAA meets I would like to congratulate Alex Jonsen-Humble on achieving his  first Eastern Standard in the 400IM, well done!
~ Coach Mikayla